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Our Timeline

2016 to 2023

About us

Women in Sport Aotearoa, Ngā Wāhine Hākinakina o Aotearoa, is Aotearoa’s champion for gender equity in sport and physical activity.

WISPA is a charity that exists to transform society through leadership, advocacy and research, ensuring that all women and girls gain equity of opportunity to participate, compete and build careers in play, active recreation and sport in Aotearoa New Zealand.

We launched on UN International Women’s Day, 8 March 2017.

Our People

Women in Sport Aotearoa was co-founded by co-chairs, Julie Paterson (CEO, Tennis New Zealand) and Sarah Leberman (Professor, Massey University).

The organisation was supported from the beginning by a passionate set of Foundation Members and is now governed by a strong and committed Board.

In November 2022, Nicky van den Bos accepted the role as Acting Chief Executive after inaugural CEO Rachel Froggatt made the decision to step down following more than 4 years in the role. Meet the WISPA team.

Our Patron, the Rt Hon. Helen Clark ONZ, was announced on UN International Women’s Day, 8 March 2019 – our 2nd anniversary.

Strategic Plan

Our Vision is ‘The world’s most equitable sport system, Te Tiriti inspired.’

Our Statement of Strategic Intent has three strategic pillars: Matauranga/Knowledge, Kōkiri/Voice and Mahi Tahi/Delivery.

Learn more through our Annual Reports.


Our programmes are varied, and include insight and research, change leadership, leadership programmes, advocacy campaigns and speaking engagements.

Find out more about our Programmes.

Support Us

Our funding comes from a mix of Grants & Trusts, Donations, Fundraising & Gifts and Commercial Partnerships, which together make Women in Sport Aotearoa’s leadership, research and advocacy work possible.

We are incredibly grateful for any support we receive. You can help too. Visit Support Us or Donate Now.

Contact Us

Find out how to Contact Us.

Mid 2016

Co-Founders of WISPA

Women in Sport Aotearoa was co-founded by co-chairs, Julie Paterson (current CEO, Tennis New Zealand) and women's sport advocate Sarah Leberman MNZM (Professor, Massey University).
Late 2016

22 Foundation Members

The organisation was supported from the beginning by a passionate set of Foundation Members, who drafted the first Strategic Plan. It is now governed by an experienced and committed Board (scroll down to meet our Board)..
Early 2017

The Beginning of Women in Sport Aotearoa

WISPA officially launches on UN International Women's Day 8 March.

The Beginning of Women in Sport Aotearoa

Women in Sport Aotearoa, Ngā Wāhine Hākinakina o Aotearoa, is a charity that exists to transform society through leadership, advocacy and research, ensuring that all women and girls gain equity of opportunity to participate, compete and build careers in play, active recreation and sport in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Late 2017

WISPA volunteer team stage first major event

"She Moves. She Leads. We Win" event staged in Wellington in partnership with Shift Foundation, with over 300 sport and recreation leaders in attendance.
Early 2018

WISPA wins IWG 2018-2022 global Bid

WISPA won the right to host the International Working Group (IWG) on Women & Sport Secretariat & World Conference for the next quadrennial in Aotearoa New Zealand. The hosting was passed from Botswana in October.

Government launches Women + Girls Strategy

First ever strategy to support women and girls in sport and active recreation was launched, with a $10m investment over 3 years. WISPA helped to write the strategy, and delivers parts of it, such as the Sport NZ Women + Girls Summit.
Late 2018

WISPA Appoints CEO

WISPA appointed its first employee, Chief Executive Officer, Rachel Froggatt. She also took the mantle of Secretary General for the IWG Secretariat & World Conference 2018 - 2022 when it was passed over in late 2018.
2018 to 2023

Women in Sport Aotearoa takes flight

Four years later, WISPA has a full-time team of three and a large portfolio of advocacy, research and leadership work going on nationally. It staged the IWG World Conference in November 2022.
Late 2022

New CEO, Nicky van den Bos appointed

WISPA inaugral CEO Rachel Froggatt steps down post 2022 IWG Conference and WISPA Programme Director Nicky van den Bos accepts the role of CEO to lead the organisation through its new strategy.

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