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Kiwi Women’s America’s Cup team sailing to win, but also for a future

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Kiwi Women’s America’s Cup team sailing to win, but also for a future

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New Zealand’s Women’s America’s Cup team is hoping not just for a win in the inaugural event in October, but for it to be the start of a permanent series.

While the Youth Cup is into its third cycle, the Women’s Cup using the same new AC40 foiling monohulls is a new addition in 2024 in Barcelona - part of a push to diversify the event.

“I guess we're hoping to try to get a circuit going for the next few years,” said Jo Aleh, one of the five-member crew.

The Team New Zealand squad has a clutch of world championships, Olympic medals and professional series experience, shared among them.

“I still feel a bit underprepared, but yeah, it's going to be a cool challenge. There's going to be a bunch of us who haven't done enough time and are really wanting to send it,” said Aleh.

If the New Zealand women feel unprepared, spare a thought for six of the 12 teams which are “invited” from outside the six Americas Cup challengers, and will have to share a boat belonging to one of the established teams.

Read the full story here.

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