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Women in Sport Aotearoa's Change in Action Week

Voice & Visibility
Women in Sport Aotearoa's Change in Action Week

Women in Sport Aotearoa's Change in Action Week

As the world prepares for the first ever gender equal participation Olympics, WISPA (Women in Sport Aotearoa) is thrilled to announce the launch of Change in Action Week 2024. This initiative, running September 2-8 2024, is a national call to action to highlight and celebrate the strides made in gender equity in sport and physical activity across Aotearoa.

What is Change in Action Week?

Change in Action Week is designed to encourage the sport and physical activity community to share examples of actions driving positive change for women and girls. This week-long event offers a platform to celebrate the small wins and significant achievements in clubs, schools, groups, and organisations that are contributing to a more equitable sporting landscape.

Submit Your Story and Win!

WISPA encourages everyone to submit stories of change to be recognised as champions of positive change. 

Submissions will be categorised, and one winner from each category will receive an online coaching session with Zoe George, renowned journalist, and women's sports advocate. 

One overall winner will be featured in LockerRoom!

Courtesy of NZ Cricket, we havesix double passes to a WHITE FERNS home fixture of your choice during the 2024/25 summer.

Plus there is heaps of Cadbury chocolate up for grabs!

Categories for Submissions:

Dallies (Dads as Allies): Celebrating dads making a significant impact on their daughters’ sports experiences.

Innovative Impact: Highlighting community, regional, or national initiatives driving change for women or girls.

Pioneer of Change: Recognizing volunteers who have significantly impacted their communities.

Wāhine Toa: Celebrating female role models inspiring positive change.

Rangatahi: Honoring individuals under 20 with the potential to make a difference.

Digital Innovation: Showcasing the use of digital channels to create change. 

How to Participate:

1. Submit Your Story: Fill out a short form detailing a person, group, or initiative that has positively impacted women or girls in sports. Include videos or photos that showcase this impact. Submissions must be received by August 19 to be edited and shared by WISPA during Change in Action Week.

2. Host an Event: Organise an event or activation focusing on equity for women and girls in your area during September 2-8 and share it with WISPA. 

3. Share on Social Media: Download our Change in Action Week Media Toolkit with logos, social tiles, banners, and posters to share your examples of positive change. Tag WISPA and use the hashtags: #changeinspireschange #levelthefield #WISPAotearoa #womeninsport.

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